Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Reason For This Blog - plus - MY BIO

I'm the outgoing president of the London Writers' Society in London, Ontario. I've re-vamped the LWS website and established this blog so I can finally post photos, videos and other information of interest to LWS members (and to other writers) as events occur.


I’m Married to a great strapping Scot (who looks impressive in a kilt) and we live in London, Ontario, Canada.

Hubby and I have a wee feline - a great golden armful of love - called Hobbes who would be opening cans of salmon on his own if he had opposable thumbs.

Main thing: I’m excited about life and very happy about where we live.

I can walk to the end of my street, over the King Street pedestrian bridge that spans the Thames River, and head over to the Covent Garden Market or to a coffee shop or to the library.

Or I can head, instead, to Wortley Village to the best bakery in London (my opinion) or to The Black Walnut, a little cafe with fabulous baked goods created by a former chef who came back home from Toronto.

Mine is a swell world in which I can walk almost any place I want to go - cutting down on my carbon footprint - and enjoy what feels like almost village life in a city of over 350,000.

While I’m very aware of all the tragedy in the world, I’m very happy in my life.

So I’m trying my best to be a good citizen and do what I can - and what I’m good at - to make the world a better and friendlier place, like helping to build the London Writers’ Society.

Since my tenure as president of LWS is coming to an end - on the Ides of May (a good time I think to pass on the office to the new executive) - I’ve started this blog to “keep in touch” via the LWS website.

My intent is to add some good content that will help people understand what we in the society do, what the society is for, and why they may want to join us.

Regarding what I write: short stories (some dark, some not), poems, prayers, essays, memoirs, you name it. I’m all over the place because I love to write more than I like to eat.

(And I adore good food.)

So I plan to have fun with this blog…

P.S. I’ve got some videos to upload from a couple LWS events, so those are in the works... ~ Clyo

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