Monday, June 07, 2010

Strange Angel Calls For Original 30-Minute Plays

Strange Angel Productions is now accepting submissions of original 30 minute one-act plays. 

Six plays will be chosen to be a part of a 4-day theatre-based charity event which will be held at the ARTS Project November 3 through November 6, 2010. 

The six plays will be grouped into two sets of three allowing for one group to perform on Wednesday/Friday and the other on Thursday/Saturday. All are evening performances.

Submission Guidelines:

~ Running time of 30 minutes

~ Themes are open

**Please keep your set and technical requirement to a minimum**

Production Guidelines:

~ Participants to provide their own cast and crew

~ Participants are responsible for finding their own rehearsal space

~ Participants to provide their own sets, costumes and props

~ Strange Angel Productions will be responsible for ticket sales, the event poster, programs, and publicity

~ Strange Angel Productions will provide basic lighting and technical support

~ Strange Angel Productions will provide one tech rehearsal for each play

Deadline for receiving Submissions: July 15, 2010

Notification of Acceptance: July 31, 2010

Submit hard copies only please.

Include all contact information.

Mailing address:

Strange Angel Productions
P.O. Box 39005
London, ON  N5Y 5L1

For further information contact Linda-Lee Armstrong at:


The charity event itself is an opportunity for people in the community to recognize friends and loved ones who have died. A call will be sent out to the public to submit poems or short anecdotes about a person who was important in their lives. 

They will be invited to attend the theatre each night to read/share their piece with the audience in between the plays. 

The net proceeds of this event will go to the Canadian Cancer Society in memory of Richard Morneau.

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