Sunday, August 31, 2008

Goodbye To August, A Great Month

Since we're saying goodbye to August, I want to acknowledge that it was a great month for enjoying the talents of writers. There was, of course, The Fringe. At the beginning of this month (August), Ingrid Dicaire, Jamie McDonald and I read work at Fringewords. (Elizabeth Bardawill was also scheduled to read, but her dad had a medical emergency.)

For those of you, like me, who have sat in critique groups, heard Jamie's vignette's and like his style, you would have been gratified to hear how he strung three short pieces we've heard together, into a longer story.

I videotaped a bit of what was read, with the intention of editing it and posting it so you could get a flavour of the event, but I'm sleep deprived and short of time and haven't gotten "a round tuit." (So what's new?) I'm still engaged in a year-long project that I am desperately trying to bring to completion. When it is, I'll reveal what has taken so much of my time.

Hopefully the winter months will give me the time to devote to getting more content on this blog regarding the great writing events that are on our schedule. (Hint: there's a New York Times best-selling author scheduled to speak to us. Good job, Kevin Love, and thanks for helping us to make contact, John Jeneroux!)

Regarding the August 17th poetry even organized by THE ONTARIO POETRY SOCIETY:

I am so glad I attended. I heard some great poetry and enjoyed myself, despite the fact that the day was very hot and we generated even more heat on the covered outdoor patio at Mykonos Restaurant. Toward the end, I really felt anxious to leave. It is a tribute to the poets that I stayed to hear everyone.

The Ontario Poetry Society put on an impressive event. Founder Bunny Iskov and Vice-President Debbie Okun Hill (an awesome poet) are to be congratulated. Bunny passed out a memento of the day, a small bonsai - a "Poet Tree" - to each attendee. Mine is on my writing desk, along with my other icons of inspiration. So I still feel a connection with that great event, and those writers.

So check out one of the Sarnia events on the calendar for this month, if at all possible, and meet a great bunch of people.

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