I have not attended Ron Stewart's poetry group for a long time, but I am subscribed to his updates and enjoy "staying in the loop."
Ron was unable to host this past Wednesday, December 14, 2011, however, he let us all know how it went. Here is his update:
Here is the insider report on Last Night at Landon. I have it on good authority that a lively poetry workshop took place with 9 or 10 poets.
As you now know the guest facilitator was the beautiful and talented Christine Thorpe and my thanks go out to her for stepping in at short notice and running a fine workshop.
Unfortunately I was not there to take notes on the poems studied last night, but here are some of the titles. I leave it to you and your vivid imaginations to fill in the blanks.
Here are some of the titles:
- They wore pink - (perhaps something about breast cancer?)
- Armageddon in the Food Fair (I can't imagine what was going on here, but it sounds great)
- Skating Party (A short poem with a twist I bet)
- Dragon Summer (Knowing who wrote this poem, I'm sure it wasn't about martial arts)
- She is (or was) no ordinary rose (not about gardening)
- Untitled about tights and angels (I don't think this was about angels in tights)
If any of the participants would like to send their poems along I would be more than pleased to read them. My curiosity is killing me.
- Lover moon (I can see the canoe bobbing gently in the reservoir while two lovers...)
Anyway, back to Last Night at Landon.
My insider reports that the poems were thoroughly discussed and the poets found the group comments eye opening if not helpful.
I hope to get back on track for the January workshop. See you on the 11th at 6:30 PM at Landon Library.
If you are a London, Ontario poet and you would like to share your work and get feedback, Ron's monthly workshop is for you.
Put January 11th at 6:30 p.m. on your Calendar.
P.S. Landon Library, if you are unfamiliar with it, is located at 167 Wortley Rd., London, Ontario, Canada N6C 3P6. Phone is 519-439-6240.