Saturday, August 21, 2010

Call For Manuscripts From Penguin U.K.

LWS member Ruth Zavitz sent me this notice that she saw from Penguin U.K. In the notice the publisher says it will accept manuscripts directly from writers if they are sent electronically. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2010.

Penguin normally will not even look at a manuscript unless it is brought in by an agent. They do not normally solicit manuscripts from the public, so this notice is unusual.

"People frequently ask us how to go about getting published.
Our company policy is to not accept unsolicited manuscripts or synopses and we cannot enter into correspondence about unpublished work. 

However, for a limited three-month period from the beginning of August until the end of October 2010, we will be inviting submissions to be sent in electronically to the following address: 
We ask that email submissions comprise a brief covering note and synopsis and not a full manuscripts.
Please do not send attachments, please write out your cover note and synopsis in the body of the email.
We remain unable to accept hard copy submissions and will not return or be responsible for the safety of any that we do receive, so please do not send any original or hard copy manuscripts to us.
We will not contact you with feedback on your submission and will only enter into email correspondence with you if an editor within Penguin is keen to progress your idea."
This is a great opportunity if you have a manuscript perfected and ready to go.